Talk:Lexicon Crossing
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Revision as of 11:25, 18 November 2014
The quest for a 10+ scoring game...
egrep '(Q|Z|X|J|K|V|F|H|Y|W).{1,}(Q|Z|X|J|K|V|F|H|Y|W).{1,}(Q|Z|X|J|K|V|F|H|Y|W)' CSW12_wordsonly.txt | wc -l5005
egrep '(Q|Z|X|J|K|V|F|H|Y|W).{1}(Q|Z|X|J|K|V|F|H|Y|W).{1}(Q|Z|X|J|K|V|F|H|Y|W)' CSW12_wordsonly.txt | wc -l 413
...a lot of those words could be removed. eg, 31 words have too many Ks in them. 4 words have too many Zs...
egrep '(Q|Z|X|J|K|V|F|H|Y|W).{1,}(Q|Z|X|J|K|V|F|H|Y|W).{1,}(Q|Z|X|J|K|V|F|H|Y|W)' CSW12_wordsonly.txt | egrep -v '(K.*K.*K|Z.*Z.*Z)' | wc -l4970