From ThorxWiki
Inspired by Movember, Frocktober and Ocsober, here are some other months...
- Fanuary - to celebrate fandom! (write fanfic whilst wearing our best cosplay outfits? :)
- Hamuary - to celebrate our piggie friends
- Jamuary - Where every meal includes jam
- Febrewery - to celebrate beer... (it balances Ocsober or something I guess! :)
- March - to organise protest rallies and coordinate people to, er... walk...
- Gaypril - reclaimed the word... now claim the MONTH!
- Aaayyyyypril - lay on that Fonzie charm
- May - where we all ask more politely for things
- May - when you're allowed to do anything (or can at least get a note saying you are)
- Hune - drive your cars recklessly! oops!
- Dune - drink your own pee for a month while walking in irregular patterns.
- Duely - fight people with swords...?
- No Lie July - be 100% truthful for 31 days
- Youlie - either you lie all the time or you accuse others of lying constantly (or you spend the month in bed)
- Hawkust - in celebration of our feathered friends?
- Awegust - where we express wonderment at the amazingness of things?
- Whoregust - celebrate that ancient profession
- Awwwgust - when everyone has to be super-cute, all the time ^.^
- Hemptember - celebrate that most wondrous of plants... and fashionable hippy clothing! (what did you expect? that'd there'd be a suggestion to get high for a month in preparation for a sober Frocktober? :P
- Sextember - Do you really need a description?
- Mocktober - it's all finger pointing and laughing, folks
- Ocsober - no drinking for a month
- Frocktober - a celebration of frocks
- Spocktober - celebrate your logical Star Trek fan
- Movember - a celebration of Moustaches
- Hovember - in case you missed your chance in Whoregust!
- DECember - a celebration of the decimal and metric systems
- Ditzember - a month to celebrate blondes
Source commentary from Google+ and Facebook...