From ThorxWiki
Turns out I've been known (at time of writing, largely to myself only) to poke at irssi. This page has info about that.
- Tumbleweed. It's what I call my personal theme to anything really, and perhaps deserves it's own page on this wiki one day. The irssi theme uses unicode characters to reduce verbosity. (eg: ⇉ and ∈ for joins, ⇇ and ∉ for parts, ☠ for quits, ± for mode changes...
In short, just one so far - an update of rasher's "antisboops'. That is - anti scrollback oops - which prevents you from submitting to a window if you're reviewing the scrollbar. Ignores any / command, and also can be overruled by a double-tap on the enter key.
My addition adds a statusbar indicator of scrollback status also.
Those toys, where does he get those wonderful toys?
well, don't just stand there. GO ASK HIM!
- <-- click there =)