From ThorxWiki
Twister Racing
The idea is that on a track made up of many coloured circles, you have to get from one end of the course to the other via twister-like limb-colour matching.
Points for discussion
- Should each person get their own course (easier to catchup and overtake), or shared course? (more actual 'twister' like, especially when overtaking ;)
- Should everyone get the same colour combos - making it a game of speed (to get to the appropriate limb-colour pair), or should each racer have their own combo list (a bad run of colours could be detrimental, and makes it more a game of chance - but more in keeping with traditional twister)
- How should the course be laid out?
- I think that the colours shoudl be lines long-wise down the course (not nescessarily keeping in strict order either)
- Alternatively, random colours, sizes and locations. The John Douglas Gordon footbridge to the Carillon in Canberra has a pattern on it which could suit admirably. I'll get photos one day...