From ThorxWiki
Here is the script used to create the image.
It has useful examples of the following:
- adding captions in lolcat style (imagemagick - convert)
- cropping (jpegtran)
- dropping (jpegtran)
- adding exif comments (exiftool)
#!/bin/bash JPEGTRAN="/home/nemo/bin/jpegtran" $JPEGTRAN -crop 1600x1024+0+32 -outfile cropped.JPG source.JPG # make the macro in imagemagick convert cropped.JPG -quality 100 \ -comment "jpeghi" \ -font ~/lib/fonts/TTF/ttfonts/impact.ttf -pointsize 160 \ -fill grey75 -strokewidth 16 -gravity northwest \ -stroke black \ -annotate +48+0 "UR IMAG\nKWALITEE" \ -stroke none \ -annotate +48+0 "UR IMAG\nKWALITEE" \ -gravity southeast -pointsize 208 \ -stroke black \ -annotate +64+0 "MAI\nSUFFA" \ -stroke none \ -annotate +64+0 "MAI\nSUFFA" \ caption.JPG for i in {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,50,90} ; do convert -quality $i caption.JPG q$i.jpg ; ls -l q$i.jpg ; done cp caption.JPG tmp.jpg $JPEGTRAN -crop 1600x80+0+144 -outfile q50crop.jpg q50.jpg $JPEGTRAN -drop +0+144 q50crop.jpg -outfile tmp50.jpg tmp.jpg echo -n "1" $JPEGTRAN -crop 1600x80+0+224 -outfile q20crop.jpg q20.jpg $JPEGTRAN -drop +0+224 q20crop.jpg -outfile tmp20.jpg tmp50.jpg echo -n "2" $JPEGTRAN -crop 1600x80+0+304 -outfile q15crop.jpg q15.jpg $JPEGTRAN -drop +0+304 q15crop.jpg -outfile tmp15.jpg tmp20.jpg echo -n "3" $JPEGTRAN -crop 1600x80+0+384 -outfile q10crop.jpg q10.jpg $JPEGTRAN -drop +0+384 q10crop.jpg -outfile tmp10.jpg tmp15.jpg echo -n "4" $JPEGTRAN -crop 1600x80+0+464 -outfile q9crop.jpg q9.jpg $JPEGTRAN -drop +0+464 q9crop.jpg -outfile tmp9.jpg tmp10.jpg echo -n "5" $JPEGTRAN -crop 1600x80+0+544 -outfile q8crop.jpg q8.jpg $JPEGTRAN -drop +0+544 q8crop.jpg -outfile tmp8.jpg tmp9.jpg echo -n "6" $JPEGTRAN -crop 1600x80+0+624 -outfile q7crop.jpg q7.jpg $JPEGTRAN -drop +0+624 q7crop.jpg -outfile tmp7.jpg tmp8.jpg echo -n "7" $JPEGTRAN -crop 1600x80+0+704 -outfile q6crop.jpg q6.jpg $JPEGTRAN -drop +0+704 q6crop.jpg -outfile tmp6.jpg tmp7.jpg echo -n "8" $JPEGTRAN -crop 1600x80+0+784 -outfile q5crop.jpg q5.jpg $JPEGTRAN -drop +0+784 q5crop.jpg -outfile tmp5.jpg tmp6.jpg echo -n "9" $JPEGTRAN -crop 1600x80+0+864 -outfile q4crop.jpg q4.jpg $JPEGTRAN -drop +0+864 q4crop.jpg -outfile tmp4.jpg tmp5.jpg echo -n "a" $JPEGTRAN -crop 1600x80+0+944 -outfile q1crop.jpg q1.jpg $JPEGTRAN -drop +0+944 q1crop.jpg -outfile tmp1.jpg tmp4.jpg echo "b" $JPEGTRAN -opt -prog -outfile prefinal.JPG tmp1.jpg # what exif XMP tags can we write? # exiftool -listw -XMP-dc:All # select of those, plus a few extra (-Author, -copyright and -usercomment) exiftool \ -Creator="Nemo Thorx <>" \ -Date=1975:04:14 \ -Description="experimental multi-quality JPEG. See" \ -Rights="Nemo Thorx (CC-by-nc-sa)" \ -Subject="experimental multi-quality JPEG"\ -Title="UR IMAG KWALITEE MAI SUFFA" \ -Author="Nemo Thorx <>" \ -copyright="Nemo Thorx (CC-by-nc-sa)" \ -usercomment="experimental multi-quality JPEG. See" \ prefinal.JPG mv prefinal.JPG kwalitee.JPG # avg size is about equiv to having done: convert caption.JPG -quality 72 qtest.jpg jpegtran -opt -prog -outfile qtest.JPG qtest.jpg ls -o *.JPG rm *.jpg exit